
Cause everyone was doing it

Well since everyone and their mother did it… Rules: read, enjoy, then have a merry day. OR the original Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. — choose the rule you like best

1. My whole life I have hated pickles with a passion (Pickles are cucumbers soaked in evil!) but about 6 months or so ago I started to like them and now I actually seek them out. So yummy!

2. I love Star Wars and am still trying to get up the guts to get my Star Wars tattoo on my shoulder blade…. Me and pain don’t like each other very much.

3. I can’t stand coffee, I prefer to shock my system with Mountain Dew if the need should arise.

4. I was always a big fan of going to school, yes I am a nerd, so I’m so excited to be taking classes again to get my Master’s degree!

5. Speaking of school, I cried the first time I got something other than an A or B… I was in college. It was a finance class. It was a C. It was traumatic.

6. I was on the Price is Right once, and that trip will stand out in memory as one of the greatest ever, with my best buds from the U of A!! <3

7. Time travel has always fascinated me, anything movies/books/whatever that are about time travel I love! I wish I could go back into time ☹

8. I love the smell of gardenias, that’s probably my favorite scent… that or French fries.

9. Disneyland is my favorite place in the whole world, I’ve been about a bajillion times and it never gets old! Anyone wanna go???

10. I’m scared of a lot of things, wish I could let it all go and relax a little more.

11. On that note, I tend to worry a lot about my loved ones but I know that I don’t have control of anything so I really should stop that too.

12. I’m the queen of movie quoting, I could probably recite the major quotes from any movie you give me

13. I love playing video games and have the best memories of playing goldeneye and Mario kart with my college roommates and friends! It did annoy some of the girls who were not fans though…

14. I like non-traditional things… if I ever get married/have a baby shower/etc, I want to make sure it does not follow any of the traditional formulas. So that means no lame baby games, or who knows the bride and groom better games, or white poofy gown, or ballroom hall reception, etc…. I’m thinking red for the wedding dress.

15. But I am totally old school with other stuff, like guy should ask the girl out and pay for at least the first date, open my door, etc….

16. I’m bummed religion gets such a bad rap because of the various douches in the world who takes things to an extreme. Religion is a good thing for those who want to become more spiritual but have no clue how to do so as it gives them guidelines. From there they can move on and grown on their own, or stick with it if it works for them and that’s cool too. If their beliefs aren’t affecting you, what’s the big friggin’ deal??

17. I love to karaoke and would love to take singing lessons to try to at least carry somewhat of a decent tune!

18. Going on a cruise is something I’ve always wanted to do and never have… I hear New Kids on the Block have a cruise going on in a couple of months, who’s with me??? ☺

19. Ballroom dancing is the BEST!!!!! It makes me happy. Although now that I’m an old fogie my knees aren’t doing as well as they used to. ☹

20. My favorite movie is Somewhere in Time and usually when I have friends watch it they hate it. I don’t get it. It IS about time travel though so maybe that’s why I love it so much…

21. I would go gay for Tina Fey. Isn’t there a Gay for Fey club? I should join.

22. I hate cold weather with a passion… Anything below like 70 is freezing for me, give me sunny and warm please!

23. I did synchronized swimming when I was in college which was awesome, and anytime someone bad mouths the sport or thinks it’s sissy or all it is is doing ballet in the water, oh man I bust out with what it was REALLY like and tell them they probably couldn’t hack it. Hardest thing ever!

24. I love toast with butter!! Toast could solve the world’s problems.

25. Spiders, roaches, pretty much anything creepy crawly scare me. I have to check my shoes in the morning before I put them on just to be sure nothin’s in there.

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  1. Lindsay says:

    now i know that i need to watch my knuckle-cracking aroun

  2. Tanya says:

    i'm not surprised by your 25 randoms. :)get a 24 hour gym membership and i'll start going wit

  3. Amy says:

    I forgot abo

  4. Becky says:

    You crack me up Aurora!!!!

  5. hehe yay! glad I serve a purpose 🙂 <3

  6. Have I told you lately how much I love you? You are one jar of spicy mama!

  7. i love YOU! us jars of spicy mama gotta stick together 🙂 ♥

  8. Jennifer says:

    Ok, was #18 seriously written for me to see? You are the only other person that has seriously talked about New Kids as much as I have over the last few months. LOL!! Oh, and I love toast too 🙂

  9. haha, yaaaay for you understanding about the NKOTB love!! 🙂 and mmmmmm toast!

  10. Lindsey says:

    I’m down for Disneyland anyday and u know that I would be in for anything NKOTB related?!

  11. Cucumber’s soaked in evil…good stuff Aurora! You’re helping me get though a rough afternoon. And you know I’m right there with you on the Star Wars.

    For the record, I’m not a Star Trek fan, I just watched it growing up!

  12. Haha, ok Randy I GUESS I’ll let that slide 🙂

  13. first of all..
    “Why couldn’t it have been YOU Bob?”

    and secondly, “Fogghetaboutit!”

    and lastly.. I always dreamed of getting married in a red dress!!!!! YAY! Of course I didn’t because my mom, his mom, and HIM would have freaked out and done an exorcism on me. BUT if I could have, I would have!

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