awww my bunkey, i AM this much of a nerd, rockin' out, run run rudolph

Yay I freakin’ did it!

So Sunday May 31st was the San Diego Rock ‘N’ Roll marathon and I made it through my 7.9 mile leg of the relay race with no injuries (other than uber sore quads) and in a pretty decent time for me! I averaged about an 11:30 minute mile and finished with a time of 1 hour and 32 minutes! 🙂 I have never in my life run that long of a distance so I’m super happy and proud of myself for being able to do it as well as I did! About 7 miles in my legs started to give because of the little hills I was hitting. My quads weren’t used to going uphill for a while, so they were totally not cooperating. I was a little afraid I would have to just walk the rest of the way until the relay handoff zone, but I just kept on trucking and jogged/shuffled my way to the end of my part!

I was so mad at first because somehow I thought I would be done at mile marker 21, so when I saw the sign for 21 I was stoked and relieved that I was done. But as I kept running, and the relay handoff zone was nowhere in sight, I started to feel totally defeated like I just couldn’t keep going. I slowed to a walk and ended up calling Greg and was like “Where the fuck is the handoff?!!!” HA! Apparently it was about half a mile past mile marker 21. OYE! Longest half mile of my LIFE. It was a sweet sweet sight to see Richard and Simone at that relay handoff area, so I handed them the baton and off they went! Richard was so nice, he had run the first leg of the relay, then met up with Simone to run the last leg with her, dawwww. Did I mention we were all dressed as Running Elvi?! 🙂

Me, Richard and Simone
Me, Richard and Simone
Thanks so Sarah for sewing my costume!
Thanks so Sarah for sewing my costume!

And my honey Greg’s team kicked butt finishing the relay under 4 hours! Greg ran the 3rd leg of the race, just like me, but of course he finished it way faster, in about 66 minutes! 🙂 I was so proud of him!!

It was such an awesome time, in spite of the tiredness and muscle soreness, running dressed as Elvis was definitely the way to go! So much fun! I’ve even decided to attempt a half marathon in September, so wish me luck! I’m so excited, I will be running the Disneyland half marathon!!! 🙂

The Running Elvi before the start of the race
The Running Elvi before the start of the race
Oh God will it ever end haha
Oh God will it ever end haha
Almost there....
Almost there....

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  1. I’m so proud of you.

  2. Thanks wifey! 🙂 And thanks again ever so much for sewing my outfit together! <3

  3. Sandra says:

    Sooo awesome! You are my hero..I wish I had the guts to do something so challenging. You did it and you rocked the Elvis gear like none other! Now if only you could stop walking like a cowboy down the stairs that would be truly great 🙂

  4. Haha, thanks babe! And the good news is today I’m no longer walking like a cowboy! Muscle soreness is mostly all gone!! 🙂

  5. Teresa says:

    great job! I’m proud of u sis!

    luv the elvis get up

  6. Amber says:

    You are the QUEEN! Forget Elvis, it’s all about Aurora! VJ did a great job sewing and you did a great job runnin!

  7. Thanks Amberkins! 🙂 Here’s hoping my little ol’ legs can see me through a 13 miler next!

  8. I cannot stop looking at all these fabulous pictures! You’re the coolest girl I’ve ever (not) met! I love it!!!!

  9. HAHA! Thanks Twinkie!! Hopefully next time I’ll suck it up for 2 seconds to pose for the cameras instead of having such a “omg will this race ever end” look on my face. 🙂

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