
And now.. a tap dance!

And now…. a tap dance!
Current mood: tired

Some thoughts about the Campus Escort service at SDSU… Now IN THEORY, this is a fabulous thing, keeping us crazies who stayed on campus until an ungodly hour working in their offices safe from rapists, homicidal maniacs, ritualistic human sacrificers, motorheads, dweebies, dickheads, etc, etc 😉 …… BUUUUT doesn’t it defeat the purpose if they don’t come get you at your building but have you WALK a little ways to meet THEM?? And then once you get there no one is around?!

HA, so I was in my office until almost midnight last night, so of course I’d rather not trek to the parking garage all by my lonesome. I called the campus escort number, and she told me to meet the escort by the sundial in front of Hepner Hall. While my building I was in is close to Hepner Hall, that’s still enough of a ways for some creepshow to jump out from the shadows or bushes while I’m making my way out there…

SO then I get to said sundial and… Marco? Marco? MARRRCOOOO?? alas, there was no Polo…. There is not one single solitary soul by that damn sundial. Of course I’m a little nervous because I didn’t have my glasses on, as per usual, so I couldn’t really see too far around if there was some crazy hooded unibomber type making his way towards me…. So I feel just like a freakin’ sitting duck just standing there, I call Ceciliamapants to ask if she could look up the campus escort number for me, and to be on the phone with me so i felt a wee bit safer… So I call the escort people and let them know that HELLO i’m out in the dark, late at night, no one around, um, HELLO?! So after a few minutes the campus escort guys come, and they looked legit so I got in the car and yaaaaaaaay I’m home free.

But, um, SERIOUSLY?! Again I say, does that not defeat the purpose of a campus escort?? BAH!

But I digress….

In other news, as I was driving home last night it was a couple of minutes past midnight and i’m surfing through the radio… and I come across a station playing the Mexican national anthem. SWEET! I like a good sing-a-long on occasion! I want to say I’ve heard stations play the anthem around midnight before, but figured it must have been the same one…. Then I notice what station it is… the booty rap channel of 98. somehting! HAHA! So I keep flipping stations, then I end up on 91.1, the Alternative station AND WHAT’S THIS?!! They’re also playing the Mexican National anthem!! HAHA! Too funny…. but what I’m wondering is why? Is there something I don’t know about? Perhaps some sort of mexican homage that needs to take place every night at midnight? or is it only on special occasions? I don’t think yesterday was any sort of mexican holiday, but now I’m intrigued!! Anyone know the story behind this?? I kind of want to be up at midnight tonight to check the radio and see if they play it each night!

Anywhoo, back to work I go… BOOOOOO! xoxo!

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  1. Miguel says:

    From what I can remember about the San Diego radio market, some of the radio stations’ transmitters are actually located in Mexico. Mexican law requires radio and TV stations to play th Mexican National Anthem at the start and end of the broadcast day.

    In the case of 91.1 FM, it’s XETRA-FM, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XETRA-FM.

    In the case of 98 FM, it’s XHMORE-FM, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHMORE-FM.

    Posted by Miguel on Feb 7, 2008 11:31 AM

  2. Aurora says:

    AWESOME!!!! 🙂 Thanks for answering my question miguelito!! 🙂 Mexicanos, al grito de guerra!!

    Posted by Aurora on Feb 7, 2008 12:03 PM

  3. Jamie says:

    Some people call me paranoid for having mace on my key chain, but I call myself alive and not dead in a ditch. My belated b-day present to you shall be some mace… btw, sorry for completely SUCKING and not coming to your incahoots shindigg, which was on my calendar but Unfortunately I was not checking the calendar that day… excuses- I know.. they don’t save me at all from sucking.

    Posted by Jamie on Feb 9, 2008 10:52 PM

  4. Megan says:

    Dude, I am so sending you this info on a taser gun you need to own. Brb, check your mail shortly 🙂

    Posted by Meganese on Feb 11, 2008 11:39 AM

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