damn all the jellyfish!, let's save Mother Earth

Oh smokers!!

No offense to my beloveds who smoke but daaaaamn Gina! I can’t seem to escape cigarette smoke no matter where I am and I’m very close to seriously despising smokers!

Lately in my office I’ve been smelling cigarette smoke, and the culprit has yet to be identified. I’m in MY office and I smell someone else’s bad habit, no fair!

Walking around campus I’ll end up behind a smoker and as I unknowingly take a nice deep breath of “fresh” air I choke on their puff of smoke they’ve just exhaled!

And just now on my way to the doc, on the flippin’ FREEWAY I started smelling cigarette smoke in my own car! Windows rolled up, I know I’m not smoking, WTF? The guy in the car in front of me apparently is puffing away and his disgusting habit has now entered my vents, bleh!!!!

My lungs and my scratchy throat do NOT thank you and you all should go live on an island by yourselves, boooo!

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  1. Gloria says:

    I agree with you Aurora. My son plays little league baseball, my daughter softball. The city parks have signs everywhere that there is no smoking allowed. Do these parent listen? NO! While sitting in the stands, cheering on the kids there is always a smell of cigarette smoke and low and behold a parent puffing away! Damn smokers!

  2. Sascha says:

    That wouldn't be a problem if the kids were also encouraged to smoke.

  3. Aurora says:

    Haha Sascha not bloody likely! I don't care if y'all smoke but man do it where it's not going to taint innocent lungs!

  4. Gloria says:

    Not a bad idea and the snack bar should also sell beer. Imagine how much money the city parks would make. I'm going to suggest it at then next meeting! 😉

  5. Joanne says:

    we have to input that in computer at work if a parent is a smoker we list the child or family member as a passive smoker!

  6. Rachael says:

    Hahaha, you all should go live on an island by yourselves! Good one!

  7. Sascha says:

    Sounds to me like someone needs to start smoking. 😉

  8. Gloria says:

    I agree with you Aurora. My son plays little league baseball, my daughter softball. The city parks have signs everywhere that there is no smoking allowed. Do these parent listen? NO! While sitting in the stands, cheering on the kids there is always a smell of cigarette smoke and low and behold a parent puffing away! Damn smokers!

  9. Sascha says:

    That wouldn’t be a problem if the kids were also encouraged to smoke.

  10. Aurora says:

    Haha Sascha not bloody likely! I don’t care if y’all smoke but man do it where it’s not going to taint innocent lungs!

  11. Gloria says:

    Not a bad idea and the snack bar should also sell beer. Imagine how much money the city parks would make. I’m going to suggest it at then next meeting! 😉

  12. Joanne says:

    We have to input that in computer at work if a parent is a smoker we list the child or family member as a passive smoker!

  13. Rachael says:

    Hahaha, you all should go live on an island by yourselves! Good one!

  14. Ang says:

    I esp. hate when people smoke in semi-enclosed buildings like parking structures Can't they tell the smoke lingers–cough, cough. Or in their own balcony at an apt complex where the smoke sneaks into neighbors olfactory senses. I don't mind smokers, either, but for children's sake, be more conscientious.

  15. Gloria says:

    I agree Ang. I used to live in the center apt. of a tri-level apt. building. Our sliding glass door that led to out to our balcony was the only source of fresh air in our living room, dining room and kitchen. The people above us used to smoke and the breeze would bring their smoke right through our apt. Then they would flick their butts off their balcony only to land on our balcony. Every day there would be 7 -10 cigarette butts for me to clean up.

  16. Gloria says:

    I don't hate smokers, either. I wish they wouldn't smoke because I don't want people to suffer the diseases associated with smoking, but if a somebody wants to smoke, it is ultimately their decision. I don't like the rude smokers. You know, the ones that smoke, and then turn thier heads in your direction to exhale the smoke.

  17. Ang says:

    I esp. hate when people smoke in semi-enclosed buildings like parking structures Can't they tell the smoke lingers–cough,​ cough. Or in their own balcony at an apt complex where the smoke sneaks into neighbors olfactory senses. I don't mind smokers, either, but for children's sake, be more conscientious.

  18. Ang says:

    I esp. hate when people smoke in semi-enclosed buildings like parking structures Can’t they tell the smoke lingers–cough, cough. Or in their own balcony at an apt complex where the smoke sneaks into neighbors olfactory senses. I don’t mind smokers, either, but for children’s sake, be more conscientious.

  19. Gloria says:

    I agree Ang. I used to live in the center apt. of a tri-level apt. building. Our sliding glass door that led to out to our balcony was the only source of fresh air in our living room, dining room and kitchen. The people above us used to smoke and the breeze would bring their smoke right through our apt. Then they would flick their butts off their balcony only to land on our balcony. Every day there would be 7 -10 cigarette butts for me to clean up.

  20. Gloria says:

    I don’t hate smokers, either. I wish they wouldn’t smoke because I don’t want people to suffer the diseases associated with smoking, but if a somebody wants to smoke, it is ultimately their decision. I don’t like the rude smokers. You know, the ones that smoke, and then turn thier heads in your direction to exhale the smoke.

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