family fun, ramblings

R.I.P my favorite female singer…

R.I.P my favorite female singer…
Current mood: gloomy
Category: Life

So some sad news for me today…. My mom called me and let me know that Rocio Durcal died today 🙁 Most of you might not know who she was, but she was a famous Spanish singer and my personal favorite female singer…. I always say if I could be blessed with a singing voice, I would want it to be hers….

It’s kind of crazy how sad it actually made me… I mean celebrities and other people we admire from afar pass away, and of course it’s always sad, but for some reason I was like WTF?! when i found out about her… So many memories are tied to her songs and her voice and as stupid as it sounds it’s almost as though a close friend might have just died…

Growing up my parents would always play her stuff. They’re both huge fans of hers and that of course got passed onto us. So when I hear certain songs of Rocio Durcal I flashback to my childhood back before my parents divorced, when I really didn’t have a care in the world…. We listened to her songs while going on drives (which back then I remember calling it going “bye-bye” ha!), she’d be playing when we were cleaning the house, etc, etc… She had a soft spot for Mexico and did alot of Mariachi type songs, which of course I love…. Right now I’m listening to one of my favorite songs she sang called Amor Eterno, and that song has MASSIVE sentimental value for me as it always reminds me of my little girl that I lost 4 years ago… i cry every time I hear it….

Anywhoo, just rambling… Here’s that song Amor Eterno by Rocio D to listen to in her memory… Ironically enough this song is about someone who died and the singer is talking about how sad they are since they went away… She was only 61, died of cancer, how sad 🙁 Que en paz descanse…

Rocio Durcal
Rocio Durcal

Died March 25, 2006

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  1. Adria says:

    yes smukke, this is very sad….i just heard about it this morning. she will forever be remembered as one of Mexico’s most valuable treasures.

    que en paz descanse….

    Posted by Viri on Mar 27, 2006 9:40 PM

  2. Arturo Macias says:

    Yeah, I remember when I heard it. I was not fan before but I fell in love with the music later on. Amor Eterno was played in my grandmother’s funeral because she loved that song.

    R I P Rocio

  3. dawww, how sweet it being played at your nana’s funeral!

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